Monday 9 July 2007

Bad drivers

You know one thing that really gets my goat, bad drivers. They come in a variety of guises, perhaps you recognise them.

The Queue Jumper
Can't wait in a queue like everyone else, they have to drive ahead in another lane and then cut in in front of someone (or sit like a fool waiting for someone to let them in - I never do).

The Sign Ignorer
You're driving along behind a car, there's a road on the right but there's a no right hand turn sign. The tail lights go on and they begin to indicate. There's a lot of oncoming traffic, but hey!, who cares about the queue forming behind, they want to turn here.

The Speed Freak
Drives too fast for the road conditions and doesn't think about what would happen if he hit someone.

The Lane Changer
Weaves in and out of lanes without indicating, often cutting you up.

The Undertaker
Lane 2 moving too slow? Just undertake everyone by zooming along in Lane 1! Why didn't I think of that? Perhaps because it's illegal and stupid.

The Phone User
"Shh! I'm busy on the phone on a really important call." Wish I could fine them myself, I'd be rolling in it.

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